Ten Year Reel
String and Tins
String and Tins: Ten Year Reel
- Sound designer:
- Will Cohen, Mike Bamford, Lawrence Kendrick, Adam Smyth, Joe Wilkinson, Culum Simpson, Kaspar Broyd, Adam Hare, Jim Stewart
Mike Bamford
Will Cohen
Lawrence Kendrick
Adam Smyth
Culum Simpson
Jim Stewart
Kaspar Broyd
Adam Hare
- Sound designer:
- Will Cohen, Mike Bamford, Lawrence Kendrick, Adam Smyth, Joe Wilkinson, Culum Simpson, Kaspar Broyd, Adam Hare, Jim Stewart
Parallel Parking
Ribena: Parallel Parking
- Sound designer:
- Adam Smyth
- Composer:
- Adam Hare
- Audio Producer:
- Maddy Lebel
- Director:
- Thomas Ormande
- Production Company:
- Minds Eye
- Film Producer:
- Charllie Phhillips and Hera King
- Editor:
- Stitch
- Agency:
- Creative Director:
- Helen Rhodes
- Creative:
- Dom Moria and Keiron Roe
- Agency Producer:
- Ali Terrell
- Post Production:
- Black Kite
- Sound designer:
- Adam Smyth
- Composer:
- Adam Hare
- Audio Producer:
- Maddy Lebel
- Director:
- Thomas Ormande
- Production Company:
- Minds Eye
- Film Producer:
- Charllie Phhillips and Hera King
- Editor:
- Stitch
- Agency:
- Creative Director:
- Helen Rhodes
- Creative:
- Dom Moria and Keiron Roe
- Agency Producer:
- Ali Terrell
- Post Production:
- Black Kite